Friday, January 28, 2011

Use This Solution If Your Computer Runs Slow

There isn’t anything quite as frustrating like working on a slow running computer; also equally frustrating is the task of determining why your computer became this slow. When faced with computer problems, most would want the fastest and easiest solution to the problem.
The most common reason why computers tend to slow down is because of a corrupted registry. This is the primary focus of this article. More often than not, an error-filled registry is the cause of your computer running slowly. If done in conjunction with other computer maintenance tasks like defragmenting the hard drives and removing unused programs, cleaning the registry will absolutely do wonders for speeding up your computer.

The registry is the part of your computer’s operating system that contains all of the data it needs to function properly, like data on the users, the programs installed, the hardware installed, and others. You need not understand in detail what the registry is, all you need to know is that it is important to keep it from getting too cluttered and to if your slow running computer.
Here are a few symptoms of your computer if it is having registry problems:
Antivirus and anti-malware programs cannot fix or even detect problems.
Constant freezes and unexpected crashes
Slow startups and shutdowns
You’re finding yourself constantly restarting the computer
You get a BSOD (Blue Screen of Death)
After a while, the data in the registry get strewn all over the place, add to that some of the scattered data will sometimes cause the registry to get corrupted. To fix this problem you need to run a system and registry scanner program. In a nutshell, this is a program that re-organizes the registry so that it can again be efficiently used by the computer. The best scanner can even repair the registry without having to remove any of your programs or files and will optimize windows as well.
You can first download a trial version of the software with a free scan function, utilize this to scan your registry to check if the problem really does lie there. If you find that there really are errors in the registry then by all means use the software. After cleaning the registry, you should restart the system so that the changes made in the registry will take effect to fix a slow running computer.
Do not wait until your computer gets corrupted beyond the help of registry cleaners. If you find any sign of a computer slowdown you should immediately check for registry problems and deal with it quickly by scanning your computer right away.

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